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English now living in New Zealand. He graduated in Naval Architecture in 1972 at Newcastle University. His track record in the UK includes prestigious collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum, St. Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh and the Shipley Gallery in Newcastle. After sailing to New Zealand, he began designing furniture that was strongly influenced by his Pacific voyages (chairs like canoes) and by the landscape of his new home.

In 2004 he was selected as a NZ Antarctica Arts Fellow and went to Antarctica. From this experience he is developing a new creative vein with a high environmental content. In 2002 the Designers Institute (NZ) awarded Sling first prize in the product category. Sling is now a Boffi catalogue item. Recently he has developed a range of lights made from intricately cut pieces of thin plywood, which have won awards in Japan and New Zealand, and can be seen in the Vitra Design Museum shop. He regularly teaches at the Vitra Museum summer Design School in France, focusing on sustainability.