16 Artikel
In aufsteigender Reihenfolge
16 Artikel
In aufsteigender Reihenfolge
Guglielmo Berchicci, born in Milan, where he lives and works.

Bachelor in architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan. His work of architecture and design born from the fascination for the appearing semplicity and complexities of the nature and the life, in their evolution in micro and the macrocosmos, and from an innate curiosity for the science and the human thought, in all its manifestations ,from the theory of the chaos, to the spirituality, that he sees as inseparable expressions of an unique natural system in evolution.
His formal search is continuously mediated from the will to be contaminated from the most intimate and deep spirit of the nature and the matter, that he recognizes like the most evolute "shapes" of the spirituality and technology.

He has collaborated in design with: Lumi, Dilmos, Bonacina, Ferrart, Metals, Kundalini, Glas, Valenti, Domodinamica, Around, Giovannetti, Slide, Barneys NY, Marina Spadafora, Cinzano, Daniela Bizzi, Camper, Vivienne Westwood.